How Wizards work Spiritual Pop Culture

How do you feel honestly, when you look at the clock and see 11:11?

Something clicks into place, right? Perhaps the numbers trigger a sort of inner knowing, from an ancient place within you, that something big is about to brew for you?

If so, it’s likely you keep looking for the signs, following the hunches and realising that you do seem to be getting somewhere…until one day you don’t. Then you start to question whether the signs and theories are working or not. Surely sometimes it works?

Wrong! And yet, right…

Today we’re going to look at how popular spiritual theories can actually be of benefit to you…and how to become a Wizard with them.

We’re not going to go into whether they’re correct or not, we’re just going to talk about them for now (please note, we are not going to be discussing ancient or multi-cultural systems or practises across the globe eg the Mayan calendar, the Wheel of the Year, healing hertz waves etc, as these are based are natural observations and/or grounded science).

The Numbers Game

In recent times, one of the spiritual theories that has increased in popularity is to do with numbers. There has been an increase in people looking to repeated patterns in numbers to help them find direction, or to provide signs of favourable outcomes. From Numerology, Angel numbers, significant times appearing on the clock and even the amount of circles interlinked in Sacred Geometry patterns are said to have a powerful influence.

An influence on what? Our actual destiny? Take Numerology…the energy of certain numbers is said to be auspicious for particular things. As an example, if you start seeing 3’s everywhere, it’s a sign you’re ready to be more creative.

And yet the numbers don’t always add up, do they? What if you surround yourself with threes, but haven’t seen in increase in creative spurts? I often have people tell me they’ve read about the numbers and followed them, but their positive influences only went so far.

One person complained that they were “supposed” to have an 8 year and yet their business didn’t thrive. Others say they repeatedly see Angel numbers, like 777 everywhere, from number plates to unknown mobile phone numbers with 777 in them, yet the vibrational frequency of 7 that they were “supposed” to be in didn’t actually last for long.

The Power of Suggestion

This is called a “power” because the mind is such a receptive thing. And we are highly digestive beings, so many of us hunger for the external! And the words “supposed to” are such powerful inspirers of hope…

In some cases, this can be quite helpful. If we are feeling rotten and we want to uplift ourselves, we can look to cheerful spiritual theories that help us get back on track. This can be great for getting us through tough moments, though this can only work to a point. What we tried yesterday, may not work again today. Eventually the magic numbers seem to have stopped working.

Are you seeing a pattern here? It’s not the numbers or signs or theories that are changing - it is we who are in a state of flux.

7 is 7. 11:11 is 11:11 - these things are simply external stimuli and perhaps we have put way too much faith, meaning and power onto them. We run the risk of becoming so dependent on them or betting too heavily on what they might mean for our future.

We, the Wizards

“A wizard arrives precisely when he means to.” This is one of my favourite lines in cinema and it’s delivered by Gandalf the wizard, in the first film of “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

The reason I love this line is because it implies true power (and choice). Power outside of time and societal expectations. Perhaps in our own way, we can tap into this power when it comes to obeying the rules that go with some popular spiritual trends. I mean, can you imagine the great Gandalf accepting he might have a rotten year, because the external signs aren’t favourable? I imagine he’d be seeing the journey as a test, as a chance to level up, find those loopholes and make those signs his lackey!

Whether you follow the path of the Witch, Wizard, Warlock, resonate with Angelic, Starseed, Elemental or Fae Folk missions, or any other spiritual belief system (we’re talking about pathways here, not external signs), there appears to be a universal Lore - all can co-create with the Universe.

Which implies we have the power to determine how we feel in the moment.

We also have the power to manifest what we desire.

We especially have the power to gracefully accept when the Universe gets the final say and has another path that may well be better for us.

Stick to your Path

Spiritual beliefs are referred to as “pathways”, as that’s exactly what they’re intended to do - provide a road for us to travel on. The road is designed for us to learn and level up. The path is never fully paved with gold, but there are enough gold nuggets to collect on the way, if you know how to look. And we, the Wizards, get to choose the path that resonates most with us.

Popular spiritual theories can be very helpful when we get to sharp turns in the road. They’re not designed to get us through the whole voyage, as we become too reliant on them, which leads to loss of personal power. A helpful way to use these theories is to truly tap into what they represent and harness their energy to give us a boost. They are there to simply give us a leg up…and it’s terrific to have help, but it’s our job to carry the flag over the finish line (and how good would that victory feel?).

How to work with Pop Spiritual Theory

As an example, I thought I’d offer you a simple financial Abundance spell for some good liftoff!

Depending on what resonates, you might choose to create an altar and decorate it with things that represent prosperity, or carry a pouch around with goodies inside are said to magnetise abundance, or simply meditate and bring the vibration of external stimuli into your vibration for a boost (another blog coming on this practise soon!).

Either way, for our spell, you might want to gather the following items that are said to represent financial prosperity:

  • a citrine stone or a small handful of them

  • draw a number 8, or buy yourself a golden “8” birthday cake decoration (did you know that 8 on its side is the infinity symbol? In this case, it represents money regularly flowing in, as needed)

  • some ginger root powder (being a plant associated with Mars, it may help bring in prosperity hard ‘n’ fast!)

Place them on your altar, or in a pouch, or in front of you. Visualise their vibrational energy connecting with your energy field, a little bit like connecting bits of Lego together. Set a mental intention that you’d like to increase your financial prosperity.

And now, for the magic words….




Cut Down Spending.

Pay Off Debt.

Increase Paid Work.

To Avoid Upset.

“Giselle, wtf!” I hear you say? “This is silly!”

I assure you, it is not. The point of the ritual was to set up your mindset in a way that supports your drive to increase financial abundance. I sense some of you have already been trying very hard to make things better for yourselves, but perhaps you’re not looking in the right places - and there is always another option we haven’t considered (one reason why people may come for Readings).

Ritual works with correct intention. Intention works by refreshing our mindset, recharging our batteries to keep going and propels us forward to make empowered choices and take sensible actions. This is exactly how you use spiritual pop theory to support you.

The trick is to remember it’s there simply to give you liftoff. Permanently planting citrines throughout your home and in pot plants, or in your bra, pockets or panties isn’t going to get your over the actual finish line!

However, the act of connecting with the subtle energies and symbolic meanings of things like stones and numbers is showing the Universe loud and clear that you’re starting your spiritual motor and are about to do your part to support yourself to be abundant.

And the Universe listens…just trust that it will match you up with the right situation, in perfect timing. This part requires patience and you are not without power - there are still little fish to be caught while the Universe lines up the bigger ones.

And in times of doubt, please remember that All Things Change. Even remaining un-abundant, un-loved, un-valued and all those other unpleasant “un” experiences, is impossible.


Living Beyond Planetary Influences