We are Pillars between Earth and Sky


I wanted to share some sentiments on the Earth, the Heavens & what they’ve been up to lately - and how we can be the grounded mediator in between.

Yes! You read it right, we have the power to be the intermediary force that balances out the friction between what’s going on above our heads & below our feet.

In the little patch of the Cosmos above our planet, there is a tug-of-war going on. On one hand, we have our Great Mother Earth crying out for our help bring her back to a sustainable state, for she can’t do it alone and we are her voice and hands.

On the other end of the rope, we have the Cosmos, creating a friction that asks us to recognise our wounds and grow beyond them.

The planetary shifts and the recent eclipse and equinox has felt icky for many, but it’s actually sending us opportunities to water our inner gardens.

Unfortunately many of these opportunities come in the form of situations or people who may come at us like aphids to a rose! We need to recognise the red flags early on, otherwise we end up repeating the same mistake over & over. We’ve all been there…

So how can be get on with helping the Earth, while we’ve got our own backyards to clean up?

First of all, consider making an offering to the planet with simple acts of kindness, such as picking up any discarded rubbish you see on your nature rambles. That’s a terrific start!

Alternatively, calling a friend for a good chat is another way of creating positive energy. We tend to send quick messages to our besties these days and maybe share a photo or two as a form of “catching up”, but how long has it been since you’ve had a really good chat on the phone & a had good giggle together?

This sort of thing can be very cathartic for you, as well as bringing some uplifting energy into the other person’s day. Many small contributions like these can create great healing.

As for the personal challenges, there is a simple formula that was shown to me in a meditation. It has been immensely helpful on my own growth journey (and still is!) & so I’d like to share it with you:

“What is upsetting you the most right now?

What would it take to not feel upset?

What if it took shifting the lens (not your values), or changing your approach, rather than wishing external things beyond our control would change?

Visualise how good it would feel to be less upset, more centred and feel your power restored?”

When you’re functioning well, you have a greater capacity for happiness, spreading happiness & can also be that peaceful pillar that connects the Cosmos and Earth beautifully.

I’ll leave you with that thought...

Please reach out if you do wish to work through your troubles on a deeper level.

Yes, I offer insights into future outcomes in my Readings, but if any challenges are becoming quite problematic for you, I have a lot of experience in coaching others to grow beyond their pain.

Check out my Holistic Counselling service, when you feel ready to gain some helpful skills to still feel the feelings, but invite in more harmonious outcomes.


Dark Angel Twin Flames


“believe in your own magic” - Oracle Deck Review