What I Do & How it Works


Intrigued by different types of Psychic Readings (and Sound Healings) & how it works for the Reader?

Read on…


Once in a while, I’ll be asked, “How can a Reading work if I’m not right in front of you?!”

Good question! Firstly, it’s your Soul that drives the Reading. Since Souls can exist within physical bodies and beyond (as in Mediumship or Past Life sessions), it is not your external shell I’m Reading, but the beautiful pearl of your Soul within. The only physical part of you that assists me with the Reading is your eyes, being the windows to the Soul, which is why in phone sessions, you are given the voluntary option of sending through a clear photo of your eyes (unfiltered!).

Secondly, with photo or not, I’m not really using my two eyes to do the Reading - it’s all in the Third Eye! This interesting little muscle works outside of time and space, so if you’re not in front of me, or even when I’m doing your E-Reading while you’re off doing something else, it all still works with precision!

Lastly, people wonder how Tarot cards or Tea Leaves work when they aren’t present to handle them…simply having your verbal permission to work with them on your behalf - as well as intention for a clear Reading - is more than enough. And since I work predominantly as a Clairvoyant, any cards or other physical tools used in sessions are an added bonus!

Intruiged by Clairvoyance? Read on…


My Oracle work always incorporates Clairvoyance, where I will be able to offer any constructive guidance I “see” flowing in the Divine. I also feel, hear (and sometimes even taste) things that accurately relate to your life! Meaning I am Clair-sensory.

When your Reading begins, I prefer not to know any of your recent news for the first five minutes or so, as I like to begin with a “Health Check”, which is a general Reading across many areas of your life. My sessions work rather like Google Maps, where we can zoom out and look at your “bigger picture” first - and then “zoom in” on any questions or specific areas you may wish to know more about, at a much deeper level.

Clairvoyant sessions may also incorporate Mediumship, Tarot, a brief Past Life encounter (different to my comprehensive Past Life regression service), Spirit Guides - and more. I also believe in Free Will, so my Readings aim to leave you well-informed, with “no stone unturned”, so you are free to make your own future decisions.


Often, and always by Free Will, people and pets who have crossed over, may come into your session.  You may also give me a first name and I can check in to see if there’s a message from them, as opposed to forceably attempting to “raise the dead”, which is unethical in my opinion. My understanding is that “particles” of their consciousness are regularly and lovingly checking in on you, as though they’ve just been waiting for you to check in too!

These sessions are neither spooky, nor theatrical – instead they generally have an uplifting feel to them. I am able to relay many joyful or meaningful messages from those who appear beside you.  These spirits will try their best to answer your questions, but please remember they are not all-knowing, like the creator Source, and really only give advice from their point of view, as they are still on their own learning journey.


Something you may not know about Tarot?

The earliest known divination cards originated in Turkey in the 14th century…however the Tarot itself was developed a century later as a card game, similar to Bridge. Italian aristocracy commissioned artists to create decks of 78 cards, known as “Carta di Trionfi”, meaning Cards of Triumph, which served not only as a game, but contained wisdom and morals for succeeding in life’s trials.  In recent times, a multitude of different Tarot decks have emerged, with new artistic interpretations of the original 78 cards and variations in how to use them.

My Tarot Readings draw on timeless wisdom from the original card game, but are blended with relevant, modern interpretations for today’s worldly concerns.  This is especially helpful when you are at a crossroads in your life, as I use the Tarot to show you how each potential option may play out, leaving you well-informed to choose the path that best suits you in the Now.


…such interesting lives we have once lived…

Ancient religions such as Buddhism & Hinduism – and even modern philosophers, believe we face certain unexplained challenges in our lives, as we have unfinished business to “smooth out”, or tasks to complete from past lives.

In a Past Life Clearing, I will help you enter a Meditative state, to uncover very specific re-occurrences that happen both in this life and your past lives. I then invite you to “unlock” the problem, so it does not need to repeat itself again in this life, or any other, especially when you embrace the Learning from it.

Clients have reported my Past Life sessions to be very vivid & descriptive, “rather like watching the History Channel” – and that the insights gained explain why they have certain affiliations (or aversions) for places, people, concepts and even unexplained fears.

Reconnect with your history and remember, past knowledge is the key to moving forward.


My knowledge of the Tea Leaves comes from a traditional technique taught by an intuitive family matriarch from Yunnan Province, China.  It is performed in a traditional tea ceremony style, which clients have found to be both meditative and healing, in both online and in person sessions.

Tea Leaf Readings are a little like diving into the ocean, showing you things in your inner world that are coming to the surface now, or may be dormant in the depths of your soul and may come into reality at a later time.  They also look at your outer world, describing things you can expect to happen in the near & distant future, and pay testament to things you’ve achieved and unwanted pasts you can finally let go of.

A very insightful experience, refreshing to the mind and the pallete.


Over the years, I have studied a number of Healing modalities, but felt Guided to develop my own blend of Vibrational Sound Healing.

During the session, I create a Sound Bath using Tibetan Singing Bowls, Shamanic Drum, Rainstick and sometimes Voice. I may also relay any psychic messages I receive during the Healing.

How do sound vibrations assist our wellbeing? Stress and other factors can weaken our auric field, which then invites dis-ease into other areas of our being. These Healings work like a deep-cleaning facial, shifting unwanted “debris” in your auric field, then balancing your Chakra centres, leaving you feeling brighter.  I finish the Healing with an energetic, protective “shield”, so you can enjoy the energising effects longer.

An uplifting, strengthening experience!

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